Nous nous faisons souvent, ici, les hérauts du Time Magazine. Il faut dire que le titre qui fêtera ses 90 ans dans trois mois, est un véritable amoureux du photo-reportage et offre régulièrement certains des plus saisissants clichés de la presse papier.
Alors, quand le Time nous propose ses 43 plus beaux portraits, nous, on décide de vous les transmettre, parce que non seulement les photos sont belles, mais elles sont comme un Who’s Who illustré.
Bharara Preet, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Uggie, Jack Russell from The Artist
Fabien Rubi, 20 (L) and Claudia Aguirre, 23. From Why Latino Voters Will Swing the 2012 Election
Raul Urquidi, 47. From Why Latino Voters Will Swing the 2012 Election
Ammar Raja, 13. From Flight of the Syrians
Salwa, 30, (holding her baby niece, Hadeel, 2 months old) and Khadija, 33, Salwa’s aunt. From Flight of the Syrians
Norah Owings, 18, and Noah Miller, 18, students at Elkton High School in Elkton, Oregon.
Rick Warren, Pastor at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California.
Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice.
Gabby Douglas, Olympic Athlete, Gymnastics.
Gabby Douglas, Olympic Athlete, Gymnastics.
Ryan Lochte, Olympic Athlete, Swimming.
Zach Galifianakis (L) and Will Ferrell
David Byrne (L) and St. Vincent (Annie Clark), Musicians.
Leslie Mann, Actress (L) and husband Judd Apatow, Filmmaker.